Portal Search
Completed Orders Search !🔔
We're excited to share some new enhancements to improve your experience with our Portal. Here’s what’s new:
Completed Orders
Suppliers can now search on all order statuses that have been shared with them.
In Advanced Search, click the status option within the filter list.
Order Ticket Codes
Ticket codes document! 🔔
We're excited to share some new enhancements to improve the ticket codes document.
Ticket Codes Document (Excel)
Inclusive of SKU codes
The notes section is now included only when Notes are added to the Order > Codes Tab
If there are no codes for a specific section, TUN for example, this section will no longer display.

Files & Folders
Automatically create folders! 🔔
We're excited to share some new enhancements to improve the creations of new Orders, Styles, Components, Costings etc.
Default Folders
When creating a new "Style" 3 Clicks can now automatically create default folders within each of those items.
Folder 1
Folder 2
Folder 2a
Check out the "files > configure" section of Sites settings for each application.