
Search > Orders > Add Colour Column

We heard you! 🎨

We've made some exciting updates to improve your experience when searching Orders:

  • You can now add a new column for colours in your Order Search.

  • Easily display and view order colours directly in the Search view.

  • Export to excel is supported.

Check this out now to experience the new visual enhancement. 🎉


Invite Business Links

You can now send invites for either Supplier Registration or Customer Registration. 📨 Once they register, they will be automatically added to either your customer or supplier list!

Supplier Registration:

  • Once a supplier registers, they will be automatically added to your 'Supplier Disabled List.'

  • The supplier's status will remain "Pending" until they are enabled and approved.

Customer Registration:

  • After a customer registers, they will also be added to your 'Customer Disabled List.'

  • The customer's status will stay "Pending" until they are enabled and approved.

🔔 Upcoming improvement: An email will be triggered when the business status is enabled and approved.


Order & Style Milestone > Bulk Action

We're excited to share some new enhancements to making your Order & Style Milestones even more efficient. Now we will have a few more features coming on this one, stay tuned for those in the coming weeks!

Improved Bulk Actions for Critical Path Activities

  • Complete, Reject, or Approve activities in bulk and add a comment to all of them at once!

  • Enhanced UI Experience:

    • Dropdown button shows Styles that still has incomplete activities.

    • The checkmark in the upper left corner is to complete the selected activities in bulk.

    • Approval of activities in bulk is now easier with the new interface.

    • Rejection of activities in bulk is also simplified.

    • Date Selection on Rejection: When rejecting an activity, you can now set a new due date directly.

  • Don't forget to click 'Save' to update the changes.

Portal New

Style > Critical Path

Exciting news! 🎉

  • We have revamped the UI design in our Style Critical Path to make it visually appealing and easy to navigate for your Suppliers.


Instance > Import Orders

Import Orders Rules Change: 📥

  • Before: The Start Date, ETD, ETA, In-Store Date, and Stopped Date had to be today's date or later.

  • New: You can now enter dates in the past. All restrictions on entering past dates have been removed.

Enhanced Log File for Failed Imports: 📝

  • Previously, the log file for failed imports lacked sufficient detail.

  • New: The log file will now include the Style Number and Order Number, followed by the cause of the error. This will make it easier to understand the current error.


API > Admin > Supplier

We have included the "last_updated_at": filed in the supplier response.


Email Invitations for 3 Clicks Portal Accounts

We've improved the email templates for inviting businesses to register for a 3 Clicks portal account.

  • The invitation process is now more straightforward and user-friendly.

  • It's now easier for your suppliers or customers to understand and complete their registration.


Bulk Order - Multiple Style

  • The 'In Store date' in colourway will no longer be displayed when adding a Style if this option is disabled in the Order Settings.

  • The 'In Store date' will be displayed in the Style colourway only if the 'Colourway In Store date' is enabled in the Order Settings.


Bulk Order - Multiple Style

  • In Bulk Orders, barcodes, keycodes, and TUNs for multiple styles were not displaying automatically.

  • Now, when you add styles to a Bulk Order, the codes will automatically display.