Orders Report
The following are the built in reports for order application:
Track and manage activities in the production timeline.
Milestone Orders Report - Displays production process timeline within 3 Clicks.
My Work Fortnight - Order activities for completion within 14 days.
Critical Path Review - Order activity review.
Component Test Summary - Summary of order component testing.
Track and manage supplier focused order data such as delivery performance, loading, and order values, leveraging data collated over time.
ETD Date History - Track supplier KPI based on ETD date changes.
Order Value by Supplier - Displays total order buy value by supplier.
Supplier Loading - Displays the loading for each factory and their deliverables.
Supplier Order Schedule - Displays supplier orders by department.
Supplier Survey Summary - Summary of order supplier survey results.
Track and manage customer focused order data including code details, sell through, and planned deliveries to intended customer.
Customer Codes - Overview of orders with barcode and keycode information grouped by customer.
Customer Sell Through - Displays sell through data and stock on hand.
Delivery Planning - Displays Orders to be delivered to Customer segmented into Months and Customer.
Summary exception reporting
Associated Costings Summary - Orders with associated costing information.
Compliance Approvals - Order with enforced compliance can be approved and overwritten within the report.
Shipment Exception Summary - Summary of orders that are not associated to a shipment.
Visual order reports for future ranges as well as past season ranges.
Range Order Review - Displays item image and order focused information with optional filter and display methods.
My Orders - Image based order search.
Consolidated order reports for specific order data.
Order Resource Allocation - Displays all Orders assigned to a particular user.
Size Scale and QTY Summary - Size scale and quantity details for orders grouped by department and size scale.
Overdue Orders - Active orders that have passed critical dates.
Order Sell Value Summary - Displays Order Sell Value by Department based on Order QTY's and Sell Price.
Customer Codes - Overview of orders with barcode and keycode information grouped by customer.
Customer Sell Through - Displays sell through data and stock on hand.
Shipment Confirmation Summary - Summary of orders assigned to shipments.
Summary reports for general order data.
Order Assessment Summary - Displays order summary with pricing information.
Order Shipment Status - Shipment report provides all Shipping related information in a format required for Freight forwarding third party.
Delivery Planning - Displays Orders to be delivered to Customer segmented into Months and Customer.
New Orders - Displays orders created in the last 30 days.
Reporting on bulk component orders.
Component Order Status - Summary of component orders by Warehouse.